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Old 12-06-2022, 12:33 AM   #9
Join Date: Oct 2022
Default Re: [The Last Gasp] Acceleration based AP cost and Enhanced Move 2

Thanks to both of you for the additional replies and for sharing your house rules! The additional granularity seems a goid idea to inject small movement maintenance cost on a turn by turn basis, and perhaps introduce the effect of terrain slopes, and track some fractional costs even though the given cost is consistent with the "improved movement" article.

Just to be more clear, however, for the kind of campaigns I run, I don't have a specific issue with strong accelerations, or actions in general, being too costy on a second-by-second scale, (at least the 1ap/20%BM) for an untrained civilian -perhaps even adding the variant limiting the max acceleration to move/2, but without doubling the cost to 1ap/10%BM... see, my baseline is the overweight chain smoker private investigator ;)

The issue I had initally is how to stitch long range movement rules with second by second costs (e.g if you sprint on the ap scale, second wind reduces on average your fp expenditure, while very fit gives advantages to the basic set sprinting on the 15s scale, or as another example, where on the paced movement speed spectrum, ap does not make sense anymore and the cost is fp only, such as in hiking, and so on).

So as things are now the GM is entitled to use some common sense, knowing where thelast gasp rules are intended to be used, but I understood this is by design, and a system overhaul covering from combat through swim competitions, to "how much is the blacksmith arm strength reduced after a full week of work" would require its own manual I think :)

Last edited by Kaslak; 12-06-2022 at 04:03 AM.
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