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Old 03-27-2021, 07:15 PM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: How do you adjudicate initiating HTH?

I use option 2, above, as well, so you can enter someone's hex freely as part of a move (during the movement phase) if:
- you enter through their side or rear hex side
- they are prone
- you are big enough that they can't engage you (a huge advantage for giants n' such)
- they are unable to pose a threat to you (though not really a factor because I let anyone who can perform any form of attack force engagement)
- you enter someones hex as part of a shift (in some cases this might amount to using option 3, above, though only in the event that you don't use your action on the first turn, as per option 2). I allow this because it is explicitly stated you can do it in the book, and has enough constraints cooked in that it would be hard to abuse.

Based on these rulings, one tactic that makes a certain amount of sense is to run up and engage someone, defend for one turn (assuming you have a dagger or something in your hand or know a high level of UC), and then initiate HTH on the movement phase of the next turn. If you have the right talents or a dagger in hand, this is a pretty good approach to fighting people you know you can take in HTH, yet is also pretty fair because your foe gets a shot at you, and your attack develops slowly enough that they can receive help from an adjacent friend if that's appropriate.

Last edited by larsdangly; 03-27-2021 at 07:18 PM.
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