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Old 12-15-2020, 07:43 PM   #30
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Default Re: Names for Wizards based on Magical College

Enchantment is a College with four sub-Colleges: not only do you get a bunch of spells up front that aren't further categorized, but the sub-College spells have prerequisite trees that extend into the general Enchantment spells. By contrast, there are no general Technology spells and you can learn, say, the Machine spells without having to pick up any Energy Spells, and vice versa. Their prerequisite trees are not entangled. So it's not an apt comparison.

On a more practical note: when using the Ritual Magic rules from Basic Set or the Wildcard Spells from Thaumatology, taking Path of Enchantment or Enchantment! might be okay; but there's no way I'd let a player take the Path of Technology. Path of Radiation, sure; or Path of Materials (i.e., Metal and Plastic). But if he wants to be skilled in Machines, Energy, Radiation, and Materials, he'd better be ready to invest in four separate skills.

I don't care that Magic handles all four of these Colleges in a single chapter; they're still separate Colleges. Magic was one of the first 4e supplements to come out, and it shows.
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