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Old 03-24-2011, 02:40 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Cydonia
Default Re: [Spaceships] Eclipse Phase Design Notes (V1)

Hey Kenneth, what would the Plasma Rockets mentioned in core Eclipse Phase rule book (p. 247) be in GURPS Spaceship terms? They remind me of the Vasimr plasma drives discussed in a recent issue of Popular Science (Nov. 2010, pgs. 50-55, 102). They don't seem to be pulse engines and the VASIMR engines were covered by the old vehicle system (GURPS Mars, pg. 33) but get no mention in the new GURPS Spaceships.

Also, any chance of getting some pointers on designing Cthulhutech spaceships using GURPS Spaceships?

I'm thinking of developing a Transhuman Space campaign in which misuse of the Pandore Gate coincides with some dark unfathomable experiment taking place in a parallel dimension. Brought together by forces unknown, a rift is formed that brings both a battered NEG Fleet, led by the heavily damaged flagship, NES Ashcroft, and a new version of Saturn's moon, Pandora. Of course the tearing apart of the very fabric of existence, even if only temporary, has consequences. What came through the swirling chasm along with the Ashcroft, and where does the Pandora Gate now lead?

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