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Old 09-09-2016, 09:52 PM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: Highest strength of TL10 human?

Originally Posted by Flyndaran View Post
Has no one here seen all the threads about highest strength of modern humans? We have people arguing for 15 being absolute maximum, and others saying way over 20 is realistic. That's a factor of 2 for raw lifting power.
Even without super science, the distant future no holds barred bio-engineering hypotheticals have margins of error swamp any guesses, in my opinion.
It turns into a "whatever the GM wants".
It's not quite as variable as that. You can make a pretty good case that maximum human ST efforts are 5 to 6 times normal - e.g., the maximum raw bench press is over 700 lbs, so if you assume a ST 10 character without special skill benches between 120 or 150, it would take ST 23-25 to hit peak human. Where the arguments really kick in is over how much of peak human effort is due to specialized skill vs specialized ST vs overall ST. Realistically, there's also a physiological trade off between "I can lift really heavy stuff" vs "I can carry heavy weights for an extended period" vs "I can hit things hard." The peak boost for one of those tasks is likely to be higher than the peak for base ST, with or without Biotech.
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