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Old 08-12-2022, 01:37 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2019
Default What are the Munchkin Fantasy puns, jokes and hidden references?

Good Morning! My name is Alexandre and I'm from Brazil (sorry for the bad english), and I love Munchkin. Recently, through a page on the internet, I discovered that there are hidden references, puns and other jokes in the munchkin cards. And I would like to know what they are according to North American culture. can you help me? What are the hidden references of the following monster cards? drooling slime, face sucker, flying frogs, harpies, insurance salesman, king tut, large angry chicken, lawyers, mr. bones, pit bull, shrieking geek, tongue demon, undead horse?

And what are the hidden references of the following treasure cards? cheese grater of peace, eleven-foot pole, potion of halitosis, short wide armor?

I'm actually a little shy and lazy to write all the doors and all the treasures here. So, I chose the cards I have the most doubts about... but if you want feel free to discuss the hidden references of the entire munchkin fantasy 1 card deck, ok? I'll read the comments, and post again when I can. thanks. Alexandre.
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