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Old 05-25-2019, 09:58 AM   #9
Donny Brook
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Default Re: Self-designation Terms for Different Monster Hunter Teams in the World

Here's some ideas for autonomous and self-organized teams around the world. Please note that non-English names might lack in idiomatic finesse, but hopefully the idea will be clear enough to work with.

Doom Squad (This is actually the name of my gang of PCs in a campaign set in the U.S. The name is a riff on the video game 'Doom'.)

Jah Bones (A self-consciously tongue-in-cheek name for a Rastafarian team.)

Los Angeles Luchadores ('The Fighting Angels', pro-wrestlers turned monster hunters in Southern California.)

The Camelots (A British team centered around a retired rock band of the same name.)

Achtsamkraft (A portmanteau name meaning 'Watch Force', for a German-language team.)

Bonicats (An abbreviation from Latin 'bonis catulastri' meaning roughly 'good guys', for teams formed by local Knights of Columbus clubs.)

Kàn dàole, zụ dàole (This is translilterated Mandarin meaning roughly 'See Right, Do Right'. It is a riff on a quote from Confusius: "To see the right and not do it is cowardice." It's the name of a team of monster hunters in China or Hong Kong. They sometimes shorten it further to simply Kan Zuo ('See, Do').
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