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Old 06-29-2021, 07:05 PM   #10
Join Date: Apr 2005
Default Re: Sensible negotiations

Originally Posted by whswhs View Post
I might not have combat occur (if this is a merchant confronting armed adventurers), but the merchant is going to reject the proposed price and not even make a counteroffer.
If a reaction modifier indicates that the NPC "attacks" the PCs, it's only logical to assume that they will do so on their own terms and in their own time. Essentially, they turn into a temporary Enemy until the PCs make amends.

Unless you have a very stupid and impulsive merchant, or you're running the sort of DF or martial arts campaign where everyone has combat skills and is willing to use them, they're not going to physically attack a PC.

Instead, they will "attack" indirectly. For example, an ordinary 21st century merchant will call the cops/security, file a lawsuit or a restraining order, use their influence in the community to blacklist the PCs, or all of the above. This might be as simple as, "You're insulting my products and wasting my time. You are no longer welcome in my store. You have 30 seconds to leave before I call security."
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