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Old 06-28-2021, 10:50 AM   #4
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: Sensible negotiations

Originally Posted by Emerikol View Post
Yes. You are the GM. The rules are guidelines but you have the authority to override what the rules say when the rules don't make sense and sometimes they don't. Writing rules to handle every conceivable possibility is beyond the skill of mere mortals even the great writers at SJ Games.
Sure, gm always has the final say, and don’t get me wrong, I love most of what they do. In this case, however, I’m surprised there are specific percentages for what an NPC offers based on the reaction roll, a few somewhat complicated calculations (for RPG during-play math, that is), followed bye this glaring “glitch” (assuming I got the rules correctly). Plugging that hole may be perhaps beyond mere mortals, but the heroes at sj games surely must’ve missed it or not considered it a problem. But I don’t mean to criticise them as opposed to discuss solutions, though.

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
I'd have to look at the Social Engineering, but you mention a ceiling for what the NPC is willing to pay. I'd suggest a mechanic by which countering with too high* of an offer risks insulting the NPC, reducing the ceiling and having the NPC respond with only a modest boost to their initial offer, if any boost at all. If the ceiling gets dropped lower than what the NPC has already offered, either the NPC walks away from the deal or actually counters with their ceiling "Take it or leave it." As to the mechanic itself... I'm not certain how it should be constructed.

*This would be expressed as some multiple of the item's "true" value, but should have some variability to it.
I like that. Ceiling could be twice (thrice?) the accepted price as per reaction roll. If above that, the answer is no price change, but instead the reaction drops one level and the gm hints “you might want to improve your offer…”
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