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Old 10-11-2020, 10:26 PM   #16
Axly Suregrip
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Durham, NC
Default Re: My tweaks to the Bola

In response to comments from others:

- I am trying to fix the bola, not address how all thrown weapons work. I am okay with -1 DX per hex for range with a bola.

- The Bola is a peculiar weapon and as such it is fitting that its rules differ from the norm. So the DX -4 for head instead of DX -6 makes sense as it is a very wide shot that then wraps.

- I have seen comments elsewhere that all entanglement weapons should require a ST test like that of the shield rush. I strongly disagree with that regarding the bola. It is a weapon used by the cowboys of south america to bring down game, horse, cows and llamas. It is capable of dropping a bull. As bull or horse strength does not make sense in a shield rush type test this is just not a good model. All the bola entanglement rules in TFT should still apply. I will also tweak my 1 hex foe to 2 hex foe.

- The span of the bola is about 6 feet. Wider than a hex. The restriction I added that it cannot pass down a hex seam like a narrow arrow must remain.

- A real bola (used with gauchos to catch horses, game, cattle) and not just a one by survivalist (catching small game like rabbits) takes time to wind up. It is not a fast throw weapon. As such the restriction I added, that once you draw a bola, you may not throw it the same turn with Thrown Weapons talent, must remain.

So, this is where I am at with this. Hopefully this is the final edit for how the bola should be in TFT:

- takes a turn to prepare when readying the weapon, regardless of Thrown Weapons skill.
- entanglement is only effective against creatures that are 2 hex in size or smaller.
- you may not roll to miss. If there is a figure or obstacle that would normally require someone throwing to roll to miss, you may not roll to miss.
- when throwing down a seam between hexes, the bola travels through both hexes instead of missing both. That means if there is an impassable object (pillar, wall, tree, etc) in either the throw is blocked.
- when throwing down a seam between hexes, the bola would travel through both hexes instead of miss both. If both are occupied, randomly determine which may be hit first.

Last edited by Axly Suregrip; 10-12-2020 at 05:22 AM.
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