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Old 01-24-2006, 09:30 AM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Brescia, Italy
Default Re: The reason for specific point costs in GURPS

GURPS' traits are priced according to usefullness, not rarity (except a couple of bugs that I don't want to discuss here), and IMHO that's a great thing.
As a GM, you can set a trait's rarity without altering its point cost: simply say "PC cannot take this, and only 1% of the entire wordly population have it". Increasing or diminisching the price is useless, and probably dangerous: a 10d Impaling Attack deals always 10d impaling, regardless of his "rarity". Its usefulness is the same: why should it be worth more? If it costs more, noone will take it; if it costs less, everyone wil take it. If you want to keep it rare, say to your players: "Ony one of you can take it - decide it by yourselves" and amuse seeing them tearing each other apart for the privilege.
Originally Posted by Mailanka
Want to explore the inherent angst and rage of a werewolf? Get the white-wolf book. Want a combat system that works? Get GURPS.
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