Thread: Glamor
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Old 04-21-2021, 05:33 PM   #31
Join Date: Apr 2012
Default Re: Glamor

As long as one keeps in mind the big limitation of Glamor, it doesn't seem that hard to figure out. The big limitation is that the Glamored creature gets none of the abilities of the disguise.

If Lisa the mage in her cloth armor is Glamored to look like Lucy the plate mail wearing knight, an observant person may wonder why Lucy isn't making the normal creaks and clanks that plate mail makes as she walks past. It won't get them past the Glamor but they may well suspect "Something isn't right with Lucy" and react accordingly. The reverse can also cause problems. If a Glamored Lucy walks by, the guards could well pick up on the clanks and creaks coming from Lisa's cloth armor as being not right.

If Bilbo is Glamored to look like Gandalf but forgets about the disguise, he may walk thought a hobbit sized door and have the top two feet of Gandalf appear to move through the solid door frame.

If Samantha the servant is Glamored to look like Sam the Duke, it will still be Samantha's voice coming out of the Duke's mouth. And folks familiar with the Duke may wonder why he smells like his female servant instead of his usual pungent self.

A Glamored Dwarf still won't fit through that 9 inch crack in the wall despite looking like skinny street urchin.
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