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Old 08-21-2020, 09:22 AM   #37
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Path/Book Magic] 'Grimoire' worldlines

Apparently I'm bad at writing Current Events for timeline infoboxes, because I've been blanking on this and others for far too long. Suggestions are welcome.

Grimoire-2, 1951

Current Affairs
As the Cold War quietly simmers along and the Space Race continues apace, <something to do with supers?>

Divergence Point
Technically unknown, but historical inertia was weakened around 1770, when magic became slightly less secret, weakened again around World War One (some countries began teaching magic openly, and countries that did not exist on Homeline or Grimoire-1 formed), and may have died by the end of WWII.

Major Civilizations
Western (multipolar), Eastern (empire), Chinese (empire), Indic (bipolar).

Great Powers
United States of America (representative democracy, CR2), United Kingdom (representative democracy, CR2), Crowned Republic of France (oligarchy with democratic tendencies, CR3), Soviet Union (dictatorship, CR5), Republic of China (mageocratic oligarchy, CR4), Indian Republic (representative democracy, CR3), Dominion of South Asia (feudal with some democratic members, CR2-4), People's Republic of Transylvania and Wallachia (mageocratic dictatorship, CR5).

Worldline Data
TL: (6+1)^; Mana level: low with variations and ley lines at higher levels (some aspected)
Quantum: 4; Infinity Class: Z4; Centrum Zone: Inaccessible

The Dominion of South Asia is a not-very-united federation of territories on and near the Indian subcontinent, including but not limited to many of the Princely States of the region, whose one unifying ideal is 'we don't want to be absorbed by the Indian Republic or any of the other local polities, and will put up with each other and lingering British influence if that's what it takes to stop it.' This includes favorable trade agreements and British influence over the Dominion's foreign policy, British military basing rights in each member state, and a mutual defence treaty, but explicitly no official British influence on the internal policies of the member states (British influence on policies between member states is carefully not mentioned in any treaty or the Constitution). Member states vary from constitutional monarchies and republics to feudal mageocracies and near-oligarchies, though by the Dominion's constitution, actual dictatorships and full oligarchies cannot be members - the people must have some say in how they are governed.

The Republic of China is this Earth's largest mageocracy: originally, a few mages seized power separately in the Chinese Civil War (mostly after WWII), which inspired other mages to take power, sometimes successfully, and inspired non-mages to gather around them, eventually snowballing into a victorious mage-lead faction that had to figure out how to govern the huge territory and population for which they were now responsible. The RoC is carefully staying out of the Cold War, but would lean toward the capitalist side if forced to take one. Taiwan was briefly ruled by the People's Republic of China under the Gang of Four, but rapidly fell to a counter-revolution.

The People's Republic of Transylvania and Wallachia gives lip service to socialism and Marxist-Leninist communism, but is basically a dictatorship run by the centuries-old vampire magician Vlad Draculea (officially 'just' the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Transylvanian-Wallachian Socialist Party).

Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.
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