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Old 06-30-2022, 12:03 PM   #13
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: Brazil
Default Re: Turn of Combat Reformulated - Velocity

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
The issue with rapid fire weapons in a system like this is that, by its nature, you're breaking things up into fractions of a second, meaning each bullet fired should be its own action... but realistically, rapid firing a weapon and firing a weapon a single shot at a time are two very different actions. But it's not right to have someone fire a full second's worth of bullets in a single instant (if you have a foe who gets to act 40 times in a second, and you're shooting at him with a weapon that has RoF 10, he should get four actions per bullet that is fired, rather than getting 10 actions, then having a barrage of bullets come at him, and then taking his remaining 30 actions). So how do you handle it? That's the sticking point I couldn't really get past. Having the character roll once for all the bullets that second when he starts firing (like with the GURPS default) either means other characters' actions during the turn have no influence (making it function as though all the shots were fired in an instant) or they have too much influence (as the firer can't adapt to what their doing, like a real shooter - particularly one with good reflexes - could). Assessing each shot as it happens either gives the shooter too much control (they're basically shooting as though they hadn't just let loose a bullet a fraction of a second ago) or too little (you'd need to use mounting penalties based on Rcl to avoid the shooter having too much control, but those rapidly get to the point where the shooter might as well be shooting at the moon). If you've got a good solution to that, I'd love to hear it.
Someone that acts 40 times in a second (that would be... let me see... Velocity 400) would dodge the first bullet (with easy), catch up to the guy before the second bullet is fired and knock him up. As he flies away, probably the second bullet would fire too, but now with the weapon flying away from his hand.

The shooter rolls a single time, unless he's also a Superspeedster, in which case he could actually adapt to each single shot; the bullets however will be shot individually. The weapon itself would have it's own "Velocity", based on the RoF: for example, a gun with RoF 10 on full automatic, would be counted as "Velocity 100", meaning that each fire will be shoot in 0.1 seconds. If a char has V200, he can (easily) dodge the first bullet and cover the distance to the shooter in order to catch him just in time for the second bullet to get out.

Also, someone with V200 and a mere HT10 would be moving at 20×5 = 100 yards/s (roughly 100m/s), which means roughly 205miles/hour or roughly 360km/h. That's just 7.5 times slower than averages bullets themselves, and faster than Formula1 cars at top speed. If the shooter aint a Speedster himself, he simply cannot adapt - and if he is, he would be better served throwing knives.

(Now that I think about it, I probably should add Striking ST and remove Enhanced Move, since Altered Time Rate will already cover that).

Now, for normal humans (up to Velocity 15 at most), this doesnt mean much, except a Dodge penalty/bonus to hit the target; since ALL bullets will land before any single other action, the Dodge difference will be all that matters. For Speedsters, this might mean get 1, 2 or maybe 1/2 actions between bullets or some combination of that (1/2 action would mean 1 action for every 2 bullets for instance).
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