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Old 09-02-2009, 02:02 PM   #30
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: NPC random statistics roll chart?

All right, I've been thinking about how a more complete randomizer will work, and in particular, in which order the results must be generated for maximum realistic action.

Ethnicity can be determined randomly by the existing charts.

Age can be generated randomly, either from a chart of "everybody of all ages" or a chart of "all people aged 16 or more," depending. Age isn't dependent upon other factors.

Gender can be determined randomly from Age, since women tend to live longer than men.

Using Ethnicity, Gender and Age, you could generate a modifier for Education, which gives you the proper modifier for determining your Wealth.

HT can be generated from a combination of a random table (to determine your baseline), your Age and your Wealth. As you get older your HT is likely to drop; and wealthy people are likely to have better nutrition than the poor. The HT charts can include random HT-related diseases (Unfit, Terminally Ill, Hemophilia).

From your Ethnicity and Gender, you can generate a baseline Height, and adjust for factors like HT and Age. The chart can include the (suitably rare) chance for Gigantism and Dwarfism.

Weight can be generated randomly from Height, using Age as a modifier. The chart can include a chance for Gluttony.

ST can be generated randomly, and adjusted for Height, Weight, Gender, and Age. This chart can include the possibility for ST-related disorders (Lame, One Arm, Bad Grip).

IQ and DX can be generated randomly and adjusted for Education and Age. The charts can include IQ-related disorders (Delusions, hallucinations, seizures) and DX-related disorders (Klutz, Bad Back).

Hair Color and Eye Color can be generated from Ethnicity (and possibly modified by Gender and Age — for instance, because some women dye their hair).

Appearance could also be generated randomly, I suppose.

Of course, that assumes that a randomizer this comprehensive is even necessary or desired. :)

Last edited by Fish; 09-02-2009 at 02:09 PM.
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