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Old 06-18-2009, 08:51 PM   #7
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: [GURPS Space(/Fantasy??)] Consequences of a Unique Planetary Rotation

Originally Posted by Mgellis View Post

GURPS Space actually covers such worlds. Using the rules in that book, the average temperature difference between Day and Night sides will be about 200 degrees.
That 200 degrees (which better be Fahrenheit) is a huge swing and obviously means that no more than one side of the planet has even a vague possibility of liquid water. If it runs 220 F on the day side and 20 F on the night side _neither_ side could have liquid water.

At Earth's distance from an equivalent star I think you need to write off the dayside. That side is likely to be much hotter than Earth and you'd have to be very lucky to keep it below boiling.

This is a big problem vis a vis photosnythesis. Nothing even remotely Earthlike is going live at an _average_ temprature above the boiling point of water. Even the extremophiles that live in the ocean floor's thermal vents straddle the transition zone and keep their average temp below boiling.

So I think the place is uninhabitable. With anything like Earth's amount of surface water it probably went runaway greenhouse with all the water vapor in the air. It might not be quite as a bad as Venus.

Even if it's not greenhouse I think you're looking at a non-oxygen atmosphere.
Fred Brackin
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