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Old 11-20-2022, 04:26 PM   #2
Sam Mitschke
Chief Creative Officer
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Austin, TX
Default Re: Rules Clarifications: Off-Road Suspension and Dynamic Suspension

Off-Road Suspension:
The terrain icons are explained in the "Common Icons" box on p4 of the core rules. Normal, flat road is terrain (0). The (1) on this card indicates terrain level (1). The number within the circle indicates how many blue dice must be added to your driving roll (this is covered in better detail on p12).

Terrain is not cumulative, so if your car is overlapping multiple terrain levels at once, only add blue dice equal to the highest value of those terrain levels. For instance, if you were overlapping terrain levels (1), (2), and (3), you would only add 3 blue dice to your driving roll, since the (3) is the highest terrain level among all of them.

Dynamic Suspension:
Hazard cards, which have a striped border, do not show terrain icons, so they do not modify the terrain level and have no effect on this card.
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