Thread: Recognize value
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Old 11-01-2020, 08:13 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Boston area
Default Recognize value

Bit puzzled how to make this a useful skill. One issue I have is that most valuable things are recognizably valuable. An exception would be a nondescript magic item, but that raises the question: does a non-wizard with recognize value twig onto something special when he sees a magic sword, key, etc?

I've thought about minor finds worth $40 to $100, little things like letter openers and such. First, it's hard to imagine a valuable letter opener that isn't obviously valuable. I suppose I could make it a bit rusty and tarnished. But then, these are supposed to be heroes, not scroungers, for God's sake. Heading to town with sacks full of knickknacks gathered while battling the undead just kinda cheapens things, don't it?

Does this skill come up much in your games? Do the heroes come home toting a fireplace set worth $150?
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