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Old 02-05-2018, 05:54 AM   #7
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Default Re: DR for the eyes...(Dungeon Fantasy)

Originally Posted by rerednaw View Post
I've joined a group of melee heavy characters and they are all stating that they have DR for their eyes.

They are both monks and one of them bought Damage Resistance as a power as well. One is human, the other is fluffed as a lizardman but he went the advantages/powers route out of the various books not using the DF templates.

DR 9 on the eyes sounds a bit high to me. Or is this just the norm? In any case I'm curious how this was done.
Nictating Membrane 9 is kind of cheap, but rare.

For ahistoric fantasy games, I've suggested using a fine wire grid, similar to a modern fencer's mask, to cover the eye slits. If your GM allows that, it would give DR 3 before you start worrying about vision/light penalties and would weigh as much as DR 3 plate for the eyes.

An even more advanced option is to put periscopes in front of the eyes. A skilled attacker can still target your eye slits and break the mirrors, effectively blinding you, but being blinded in one eye is better than being blinded in one eye AND taking a hit to the skull.

For high powered fantasy games, solid steel plate face masks that are made transparent somehow (Invisibility spells, Cosmetic Control Metal, whatever) are also popular. There's no real limit to how high you can make the DR at that point: DR 14 isn't unreasonable.
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