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Old 01-25-2018, 08:43 AM   #28
GURPS Line Editor
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Montréal, Québec
Default Re: Casting time of missile spell scrolls

The time to cast any Missile spell is one second, so the time to read any such scroll is two seconds. The reader can then enlarge the missile – or not – but enlarging isn't casting. And neither is even possible unless the reader has the right advantage to use the scroll, or the scroll is universal.

The cash cost for an uncharged Missile spell scroll is $20 per energy point invested during the two-second reading, which also caps the amount of energy that can be spent later for enlargement. Double cash cost as usual if the scroll is universal and thus useful to everybody, not just one specific caster type.
Example: An uncharged wizardly Fireball scroll can be bought in sizes from 1d to 6d (corresponding to a creator with Magery 1-6), for $20 to $120. All take two second to read. After reading, you can take the usual one or two seconds to enlarge if desired; each second adds at most dice equal to the base for that scroll. A $20, 1d scroll is a cheaper way to get a 3d missile than a $60, 3d scroll . . . but it takes 2 (reading) + 2 (enlarging) = 4 seconds to generate 3d, while the $60 version takes two seconds to generate 3d and can give you 6d or 9d after three or four seconds. The only differences if these scrolls are universal are that $ cost doubles and anybody can use them.
Charged scrolls are where things get weird, as there's really no question that 6 energy for a 2d scroll that provided a 6d missile after two seconds of reading and two more of enlarging wouldn't be equivalent to 6 energy for a 6d scroll that provided a 6d missile after just two seconds of reading. To rectify this, just assume that such scrolls are available in versions from 1d to 18d but always take two seconds to read. A 3Nd charged scroll is a faster and less-fatiguing way to generate a 3Nd missile than an Nd uncharged scroll, but it will always cost 7.5× times as much (2.5× for being charged and 3× for including the enlargement energy).
Example: A charged wizardly Fireball scroll can be bought in sizes from 1d to 18d (corresponding to a creator with Magery 1-6 taking 1-3 seconds), for $50 to $900. All take two second to read. After reading, they produce their missile at full strength. Again, the differences if these scrolls are universal are that $ cost doubles and anybody can use them.
Thus, the exhaustive rundown for Fireball would be (using tons of copy and paste!):
  • Uncharged, wizardly, 1d: $20; 1d after two seconds of reading and 1 FP, 2d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 2 FP, or 3d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 3 FP; requires Magery.
  • Uncharged, wizardly, 2d: $40; 2d after two seconds of reading and 2 FP, 4d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 4 FP, or 6d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 6 FP; requires Magery.
  • Uncharged, wizardly, 3d: $60; 3d after two seconds of reading and 3 FP, 6d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 6 FP, or 9d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 9 FP; requires Magery.
  • Uncharged, wizardly, 4d: $80; 4d after two seconds of reading and 4 FP, 8d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 8 FP, or 12d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 12 FP; requires Magery.
  • Uncharged, wizardly, 5d: $100; 5d after two seconds of reading and 5 FP, 10d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 10 FP, or 15d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 15 FP; requires Magery.
  • Uncharged, wizardly, 6d: $120; 6d after two seconds of reading and 6 FP, 12d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 12 FP, or 18d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 18 FP; requires Magery.

  • Uncharged, universal, 1d: $40; 1d after two seconds of reading and 1 FP, 2d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 2 FP, or 3d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 3 FP.
  • Uncharged, universal, 2d: $80; 2d after two seconds of reading and 2 FP, 4d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 4 FP, or 6d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 6 FP.
  • Uncharged, universal, 3d: $120; 3d after two seconds of reading and 3 FP, 6d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 6 FP, or 9d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 9 FP.
  • Uncharged, universal, 4d: $160; 4d after two seconds of reading and 4 FP, 8d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 8 FP, or 12d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 12 FP.
  • Uncharged, universal, 5d: $200; 5d after two seconds of reading and 5 FP, 10d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 10 FP, or 15d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 15 FP.
  • Uncharged, universal, 6d: $240; 6d after two seconds of reading and 6 FP, 12d after two seconds of reading + one second of enlarging (three seconds) and 12 FP, or 18d after two seconds of reading + two seconds of enlarging (four seconds) and 18 FP.

  • Charged, wizardly, 1d: $50; 1d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 2d: $100; 2d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 3d: $150; 3d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 4d: $200; 4d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 5d: $250; 5d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 6d: $300; 6d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 7d: $350; 7d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 8d: $400; 8d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 9d: $450; 9d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 10d: $500; 10d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 11d: $550; 11d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 12d: $600; 12d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 13d: $650; 13d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 14d: $700; 14d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 15d: $750; 15d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 16d: $800; 16d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 17d: $850; 17d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.
  • Charged, wizardly, 18d: $900; 18d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP; requires Magery.

  • Charged, universal, 1d: $100; 1d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 2d: $200; 2d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 3d: $300; 3d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 4d: $400; 4d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 5d: $500; 5d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 6d: $600; 6d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 7d: $700; 7d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 8d: $800; 8d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 9d: $900; 9d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 10d: $1,000; 10d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 11d: $1,100; 11d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 12d: $1,200; 12d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 13d: $1,300; 13d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 14d: $1,400; 14d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 15d: $1,500; 15d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 16d: $1,600; 16d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 17d: $1,700; 17d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
  • Charged, universal, 18d: $1,800; 18d after two seconds of reading and 0 FP.
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
GURPS Line Editor, Steve Jackson Games
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