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Old 07-15-2021, 06:50 PM   #7
Join Date: Mar 2013
Default Re: Extra Forms Of 'Magery'

Originally Posted by Inky View Post
If on the other hand you like having in-universe reasons for things (and it does sometimes give more opportunities for things to play about with), and want both "magery is genetic" and "magery follows the standard rules for mental advantages" to be true in your world, I suppose it could be something like the gene doesn't actually give you Magery, it just gives you the ability to get it, like maybe it gives you the particular kind of psychic power needed to establish contact with the spirits of magic or whatever, and once you have got it you have got it and the gene is no longer relevant.


As for the technical questions of things that could happen while trying and failing to develop Magery and how they would work rules-wise, I have no idea, I'm a bit out of practice with the rules :-D It could be a good justification for various chi things, I suppose, if in your setting (as in the standard rules) they're two different things. Didn't succeed in developing a sense of magic, did succeed in developing a sense of something else. Don't know whether that was the kind of thing you were asking about.
This is my thoughts, with the initiation ritual need to grant people their Magery requiring specially treat Marijuana and Opium, resulting in the Mages Guild supporting a ban on those substances, as people keep trying to bypass the Guild's authority over all Mages and screwing things up and the Guild being expected to clean it up.

Interestingly this means Mages might have professional prohibitions against using mind-altering substances.
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