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Old 12-14-2020, 01:27 AM   #11
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: Simplifying GURPS - Builds without Points

What would a suitable block of points for a four-year block of time? On-the-job training for a 40-hour work week comes out as 2000 effective hours of study, or 10 points; so your estimate sounds good on the surface. But it should be quadrupled if a given four-year block is centered around formal education; and intensive training programs ought to achieve similar results in half that time or less (Intensive training programs rarely last for four years; they tend to be cap out around six months). Then there's the effect of Talent, which can quickly complicate matters. Not to mention such things as Laziness.

As well, those training points aren't just for skills; once you achieve adequate competency in your job, I would expect a shift from skill improvement to work-related social traits like Rank, Reputation, Contacts, and even Allies, Patrons, or even Wealth — though there's some question how much of those sorts of gains ought to be paid for by points earned through study; a case could be made that such benefits ought to come from the chance events that Lifepath systems are famous for, and should be priced in separately.

Personally, I'd prefer a Lifepath system that's geared less around the training and awards acquired and more around the personality and social developments that occur.
Point balance is a myth.[1][2][3][4]
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