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Old 11-28-2020, 09:11 PM   #10
Prince Charon
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Default Re: [Psi/Space] Irar, the Jewel in the British Crown

Originally Posted by tshiggins View Post
I've been considering an Irari racial build. Getting the set of psychological advantages and disads right is the most important thing, I think.

I'd give them the following set as a racial feature:
... um, I'm going to read this in more detail later, but I think I should point out that there's already a write-up for the Irari, in GURPS Aliens, and also in the 4e conversion for it at GURPSLand. It has no advantages or disadvantages in common with your current version. Admittedly, the version of the Irari that I'm using is a little different fluff-wise from the version in the book, but much like the Gormelites, that's because this is a different historical era for them, so they've branched off in another direction. I was still planning to use the 4e template from GURPSLand.

On another note, something I was planning to post in this thread today, since apparently I forgot to yesterday:

This Complementary Skills houserule makes a lot of sense, and I am therefor applying it to this setting (though individual GMs may drop it, if they wish). So you don't have to click on a link, the rule is:
To give a greater benefit to high levels of the complementary skill, instead of a flat +1 for success and +2 for critical success, I'd change it to +(Skill / 10) for success and +(Skill / 5) for critical success.

This wouldn't change the results for skill levels between 10 and 14. From 15 to 19, critical success would be improved to a +3, but success would still get you only +1. From 20 to 24, success will give you +2, +4 for critical success. And so on.

However, for skill 5-9 you'd only get a +1 from critical successes, and under skill 5 you don't get a chance for a complementary skill bonus at all, which makes sense to me.
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