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Old 05-31-2013, 09:22 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Midwest, USA
Default Another Quick Question: Is this Valid Combination of Modifiers?

Like I said in my first post today, I'm not good at statting powers.

My question is how does one make an always-on large area Affliction that is also a Malediction and emanates from the user?

Only seeking canonical rules as written and page references for them. Thanks!

Is this at all a valid combination: Affliction (Disadvantage; Area Effect; Malediction; Always On; Emanation)?

Basically, how I imagine this power working is that anyone within a certain radius (Area Effect and Emanation) must make a quick contest (Malediction) or be inflicted with a disadvantage.

I'd think this would be an Aura, but you must take Aura in conjunction with Melee Attack at Range C.

Part of my problem might be the fact that for the life of me, I can't find the description of what the little gun symbol beside the modifier's names indicates! XD Can I get a page reference for that (not asking a description, asking a page reference)?

Thanks for all the help! :)
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