Thread: Discord
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Old 04-07-2020, 05:23 AM   #10
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: New Jersey
Default Re: Discord

Great! I'm glad it helped to clarify the TFT Discord world. The server is equipped with hex maps with its individual hex IDs and virtual dice, so players who can't get together in real life can set up their real games at home and play-by-post, the way people in the Avalon Hill era played their games with remote opponents by mail. There has been an increase in members playing TFT online, especially with member HCobb involved in three simultaneous campaigns (!). There is one channel group called "Adventures", and each adventure has three to four channels:
  • adventure-n (n is the number of the adventure)
  • adventrue-n-gm-screen: only the gm of the adventure can see this channel.
  • adventure-n-maps-and-stats: for player cards, maps, and other charts to be easily accessed.
  • adventure-n-discussion: for non-game talk by players or spectators.

Adventure-2 is reserved for games of Death Test, and adventure-6 is for a game of Tollenkar's Lair, which is being planned at the moment. Both are marked that there will be spoilers, so those who haven't played those modules (like myself) may avoid reading things that reveal secrets of those games.

There is always room for new adventures. Whenever the final set of unused adventure channels gets taken, I set up a new vacant adventure channel set. Since there's been a lot more people playing TFT live on the server in the past 2 months, the ADVENTURES channel group has gotten large and maybe even bewildering. I'm considering breaking up each adventure into its own channel category.

One thing that I like about the #Adventure channels is that when a scenario is through, you have a real-time record of the excitement of a TFT game as it actually happened. It's the equivalent of an annotated chess game. Members can scroll back to the beginning of an adventure log and read it.

If you're looking for adventure now is a great time to visit. You may try to gather people (either your own friends or existing members) to play a new adventure, or request to join one in-progress.
Daring adventurers are invited to join The Fantasy Trip Discord server:
Ogre gamers unite:
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