Thread: Voyagers!
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Old 05-08-2021, 12:22 PM   #12
Join Date: Sep 2004
Default Re: Voyagers!

Originally Posted by Stormcrow View Post
I very much want to resist all the pressure to turn the Omni into a character-built object. Doing so does not make a hypothetical game of this run any better. The Omni is just a way to get from adventure to adventure and to make quick escapes.
It seemed like they could use it at will even if doing so might get them in trouble later (which is just a Pact limitation).

To put it another way: ISWAT agents don't get their conveyor as a character-built device. Why should Voyagers get their Omni as one?
Usually there are a couple of reasons:
1) Conveyors often aren't under they player's direct control. In the first campaign I played, it just dropped them off and picked them up (like a train, plane, or bus). It was a plot device like a starship to get you to where the adventure happens then take you home for debriefing afterwards.

2) Conveyors cannot be brought with you and they transport anyone equally well. They are essentially a high tech vehicle that has a special transportation method.

Conversely Jumper is a player advantage because you have easy access, can be used at will, isn't just a plot device to get you into the action, and isn't something that can be bought or leased.

As presently described the Omni seems more a personal gadget than mass transport anyone can hop on if they follow the right instructions. If the Omni just dropped off Voyagers! outside of their control and didn't take them anywhere until time was fixed, then sure, it's just a plot device. That's more like Quantum Leap, though, than this show.

Last edited by naloth; 05-08-2021 at 12:48 PM.
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