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Old 10-28-2020, 01:37 PM   #8
Alden Loveshade
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Hmm, looks like Earth, circa CE 2020+
Default Re: [BANESTORM]: What happens next in Megalos?

The demonic emperor being unconcerned about, or not understanding. border issues can be a very good reason why Megalos didn't quickly take advantage of Caithness' Civil War.

My suspicion is the emperor would have been exposed by now; a child might have cried out, "The Emperor is..a Demon!" OK, so that's not terribly likely. But if publicly exposed, choosing the replacement could have led to violent conflict.

However, it's entirely possible, even quite likely, that the "exposure" was known by very few people. The whole thing could have been covered up. There could still have been a violent conflict over the successor, though. Or it could have been, "If he can get rid of a demon emperor, I'm not foolish enough to oppose his claim to the throne!"
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