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Old 11-21-2015, 04:59 PM   #1198
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by chandley View Post
Well, yeah, that guy is pretty weedy. I certainly never thought of Frank like THAT! :)

Okay, if that is your template, ST 12 is fine.

(As for ST 14 being human max, uhh, no way. ST 17 _maybe_, depending on how you measure. ST in the low 20s even, but ST 14 is easily doable. There are 130lb women competing right now with >ST14.)
I wouldn't call that Frank weedy, he just doesn't have the usual pumped up physique. Funny thing is that listed weight for a lot of these superheroes rarely matches modern appearance. Of course it makes even less sense for the superheroines.

To make ST 14 human max would requires Lifting ST and Lifting skill to pick up a lot of slack. My own ballpark estimate for ST required for world records suggests about ST 22-23 is needed. Some of that is Lifting skill, Lifting ST and extra effort but it seems unlikely the strongest men are working from ST 14.

I'd disagree about the 130 lb women competing with ST 15+. The world record for women in the 63 kg (up to 139 lbs or so) for a snatch lift is about 258 lbs and for a clean & jerk about 320 lbs. My own estimates (Snatch is BL*5, C&J BL*6) suggest a little over ST 16. However that's after high Lifting skill, extra effort and possibly Lifting ST. I'd guess base ST more like 12 or 13. But I'm probably getting overly pedantic.

Anyway, I'd still say the MAX version of Punisher remains a big, beefy guy who hits hard and I'd go with ST 14 or 15.
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