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Old 02-16-2018, 12:34 PM   #3
Join Date: Nov 2017
Default Re: Rarity level of cards and distrubution thereof

Originally Posted by HunterS View Post
Players can build competitive decks using only common and uncommon cards. Increased rarity typically correlates to increased complexity, but more complex cards are not necessarily stronger. There are quite a few rarity classifications for the Season 1 launch, but since common and uncommon cards are absolutely viable (and arguably required) for high-level play, the number of boosters any player feels they need to buy beyond the initial starter sets is completely subjective.

Yes, there will be promo cards.
Looking at the newly released card list... each class has one card at X rarity that is not present at lower rarities, and each class has three cards at V rarity that are not present at lower rarities.

These are, in essence, the ultra-rares for the game. I can't say I'm happy to see that ultra-rares are a thing, especially since a couple of them are very high power level. Plus the placement of alt-arts at the ultra-rare level actually makes it HARDER to acquire the ultra-rares.

If I have a 1/30 chance of opening an X rare (making this up, since to my knowledge actual rarity has not been announced), and I have a 6/33 chance of pulling one of the non-alt art ultra rares - Then my odds of pulling one of the actual ultra-rare cards in any given pack are 6/990, or 0.606 percent.

In other words, ultra rares would occur in about 6 out of every 1000 packs.

By loading the ultra-rares with alt-arts you are actually making the real ultra-rares incredibly hard to acquire.
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