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Old 07-04-2019, 11:47 AM   #7
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Default Re: TFT Character Tiers

Originally Posted by Anomylous View Post
I don't think this is a problem that needs rules to address.

If you really want to run a "zero to hero" campaign, give your players a list of "starting talents" to choose from ("You're all from a tiny village in the mountains, here's what the locals can teach you"), and then allow them to learn anything they want during the course of the campaign.

This way, seeking out training will become a really powerful motivation for most players, and we can always use more good quest hooks right?
Based on some of the more extreme starting character builds that I have seen on these forums, I would disagree, but at the same time I don't see it as a problem so much as an opportunity. Character tiers are simply my way of formalizing the 'hero's journey' that you describe above.

But there is also a secondary purpose to the design and that is to provide a guide for creating appropriate challenges and scalable XP awards in my games. I only have the broad strokes so far, but basically each creature or encounter would be assigned a 'tier' as well. The designations will then help GMs to balance the challenges faced by the characters as well as provide a reasonable method for adjusting the rewards earned from overcoming them. For example, say a starting character (Novice) takes on a more experienced Veteran opponent. Then whatever you decide your baseline XP award should be, you multiply it by 2 to adjust for the level of difficulty. Whenever you fight something on-level, the multiplier is only 1, so you only get the baseline XP. On the other hand, a Veteran taking on a challenge rated as 'novice' would only get half of the baseline XP.
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Last edited by TippetsTX; 07-04-2019 at 03:01 PM.
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