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Old 04-21-2021, 12:37 PM   #12
David Johnston2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: Catalog Of Super Realities

Originally Posted by Anaraxes View Post
This is the starting dimension for the ever-popular ordinary normal / "imagine yourself" characters that acquire superpowers when they fall through the portal to Gaia (or your other favorite reality for them). So, the characters have at least some knowledge about the world they wind up in, if perhaps skewed by the Calliope authors.
Yes, Gwenpool. The thought occurs to me that perhaps Calliope is a world where supers are actually as common as Pandora, but it's covered with a power suppression field.

Polydeuces: A reality where supers have the power of chi/ki unlocked through meditation and martial arts creating a kind of "fighting game" reality. TL 5 (but guns have never been invented) , Mana level Normal.

Kratos: A reality where humanity is extinct but a variety of ape and monkey species are sapient. Plays host to such supers as Shock (the Monkey), Furious George, Silverback and Battlechimp Potemkin.

Kronos: A reality where the origins of the Gaian superheroes never happened, but the supervillains are still all there. The result is very...feudal.

Zeus: A reality where the only superpowered beings seem to come from outer space. It isn't quite true, since humanity is giving birth to increasing numbers of gadgeteers...but humans don't recognize that as a superpower and aren't aware that the gadgeteers are the lure for the hostile aliens who keep attacking Earth and the more benevolent-seeming aliens who fight for it.
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