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Old 12-09-2008, 05:04 PM   #9
Agemegos's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Oz
Default Piraeus on a Saturday night

After his zeibekiko Bear is approached by a tall, pretty woman of about fifty, applauding quietly. She is sparely fleshed on a frame that it would be a calumny to call "lanky", though it would be easy to imagine that she was once described as "coltish". Her shoulders, cheeks, and brow are wide, her eyes brown and well-spaced, and foxy-red hair is piled on the top of her head in artful confusion. She is wearing a black lace robe belted with gold rope over a tight cloth-of gold romper, gold ball drops, and gold dancing shoes.

Lisa Hermeline
Nice zeibo! I'm Lisa.
Bear Karapyetchenko (with a slight bow)
I'm Dmitri Feodorovich, but call me "Bear".
Lisa Hermeline
Hullo Bear. You're new to the Service, I take it.
Bear Karapyetchenko
Yes, for the second time. Ahh! The uniform! I was at a formal dinner 'til an hour ago.
Lisa Hermeline
On Saturday night! What a disaster!
Bear Karapyetchenko
Yes, but it's not yet midnight, the night's still young.
Lisa Hermeline
But not so young that you wasted time getting changed.
Bear Karapyetchenko
I don't like to waste time.
Lisa nods in agreement, and puts her half-finished drink on a vacant table.

"Life is fleeting." Do you foxtrot?
Bear nods.

Then come with me! My date has two left feet.
She takes him by the hand and leads him hurriedly towards the exit. A handsome young man with shaving-ad features and tousled black wavy hair glances at her startled, and she waves a frivolous goodbye.

Lisa (to Bear, sotto voce)
Classmate. He's been handy for a few months, but he can't quickstep.
They hurry to a large open mall with two mezzanines and a large skylight, pressed into service as a ballroom. The lights are twinkly, the music gay, and the champagne sweet and fizzy. About two hundred couples are dancing a polka, half as many people are chatting at tables, and despite the labours of the air-conditioning the space is redolent with the spicy, floral, and musky scents of sweating Imperials. Bear proves surprisingly light on his feet for a big man, and passes a couple of hours with polonaises, waltzes, and foxtrots: Lisa insists on claiming him from all three quicksteps.

About half past two the throng is starting to thin, and during a slow waltz Lisa explains that it is time for bed.

I have a very strict rule. I never sleep with anyone except after three dates or within three hours of meeting. And we probably won't have time for three dates before I have to ship out. So: I'm going home now. Coming?

At breakfast the next day (about thirteen in the afternoon), Lisa explains that she has just finished a six month intensive legal workshop preparing to practice at the bar in the new Imperial district Criminal Courts.

... rumour has it that the top third of the class will be assigned as clerks for the judges, so I've been trying to keep my exam marks within the bounds of reason. But the moots have been brutal.

Anyway, results come out tomorrow, and postings. Some time in the next three weeks I'll be packed off to a colony (to be announced) for five years as either Public Defender or Imperial Attorney.
Me too!
Lisa looks minutely startled.

Well, not as a barrister. I'm going to be Imperial Marshal or (more likely) deputy. I've been in the ICfJ detective's quickie course.
Oh, nice! There's about four percent chance we'll end up on in the same place, and have a sure partner for a decent quickstep.
And there's our graduation ball tomorrow night. Like to come with me?
Sorry, I'm going with my ex. But if you don't mind squiring a schoolgirl my daughter would love to come on your invitation.
If the ball is unbearably stuffy we can leave Liselle with her father and get ourselves thrown out for tangoing in Imperial dress uniform.

Decay is inherent in all composite things.
Nod head. Get treat.

Last edited by Agemegos; 02-03-2009 at 09:25 PM.
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