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Old 09-11-2020, 11:10 AM   #12
Join Date: Jul 2009
Default Re: Dungeon Fantasy Wildcard Skills for Non-Adventures Professions

Originally Posted by Shadlith View Post
Added a couple more to the original post, and also split up the list into 3 categories:

Professions that have the Wildcard skill tucked away somewhere else.

Professions that have the Wildcard skill in the same article.

Professions that I'm positive do not have the wildcard skill at all, so don't bother looking. I'm mostly going to stick to things like the Elf Profession for this list, where I'm reasonably sure that the only place it ever came up, ever, is in the article it was designed, and it didn't have the Wildcard skill in that article. On the other hand, I haven't found any published Wildcard skills for the Assassin, but it's gotten a bit of love even outside of where it was published, so I'm much less confident in the nonexistence of its Wildcard skill.
They didn't really do the template wildcards thing for Dungeon Fantasy after book 1, aside from the mystic knight note you found.

There are a bunch of wildcard skills in Pointless Slaying & Looting, in Pyramid 3/72, but they're not template-specific, they're just designed as a shortened Dungeon Fantasy skill list.
Still, it does list stuff like Artificing! and Assassination!
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