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Old 12-11-2016, 08:31 AM   #23
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: [Space Opera] Boarding Pods ideas

Missiles aren't designed to directly impact their targets. Force screens deflect or block the energy from their exploding warheads, but they don't prevent a physical object from coming in contact with the hull. Photon torpedo / plasma torpedo style missiles are already energy to be blocked by shields.

(Guns with KE penetrators would work great against shields, but they're mostly useless at ranges and travel times in space combat. Not worth putting on ships. Armor might also be a factor; guns big enough to breach typical armor are too big, requiring too much ammo, to be militarily effective, no matter what one penetrator might theoretically do if it miraculously hit a ship. Might get a surprise use out of one if you were peacefully docked with a ship next to you. But beams and missiles are the only things you can count on in a battle.)
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