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Old 08-15-2013, 08:49 AM   #11
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Default Re: Bullet Time as an Advantage

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
I'm unaware of any rules that require a player to spend all (or indeed any set fraction) of his character's CP at character creation. So, a character with ETS could easily have [400] left over from character creation that the player intends to only use for Bullet Time, getting 133 uses out of it (which is likely to be enough, unless it's a particularly long-running campaign). A character with the ATR (Bullet Time +300%) does have the advantage of being able to use it each round with impunity, rather than only using it when necessary, which isn't too dissimilar to Emergencies Only. Perhaps we could assume the calculated [400] is when this Limitation is already applied? That is, assume [400] is a fair price for Bullet Time (Emergencies Only -30%), getting us a final cost for the unmodified Advantage as [572].
Of course, pretty much all serious combat could qualify as activating Emergencies Only, and our theoretical CP-hoarder is only going to use his Bullet Time when it's fairly important, not just every round of combat, which would be a further limitation. I'd eyeball [800] (making Serious Emergencies Only a -50% Limitation) as perhaps being fair, although you could make a case for a lower base cost (personally, I'm more inclined to go with [600]).
I get something roughly similar if I try to build its key features using Super Luck, so that sounds about right.

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
I'd allow one combatant to interrupt another's use of the ability, using something akin to Cascading Waits to determine who gets to go first. Regardless of the winner, each character reacts to the other normally (so each can still defend, for example).
The idea is mentioned in Gun Fu, that of a "ballet" of bullet times. There the idea was that players could take consecutive bullet time turns to "beat out" the one that had the lesser number of character points, I think (don't have it with me now).
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