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Old 05-03-2018, 01:30 PM   #6
GURPS Line Editor
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Default Re: Shield Rush in DFRPG

Originally Posted by Kalzazz View Post

I thought her shields DB protected her in a slam?
If you shield rush, your DB subtracts from enemy damage as in my example. If you slam, you are by definition not using a shield and so DB isn't relevant. If someone else shield rushes or slams you, your DB adds to your active defense and makes it more likely to succeed . . . but if you fail, your shield isn't between you and your attacker, and doesn't do a darned thing.

The basic options are:
  • I slam somebody else with my body. That's a basic slam. If I have a shield and choose not to use it when I slam, its DB is irrelevant. If they have a shield, its only effect is to add DB to their active defense.
  • I slam somebody else with my shield. That turns the slam into a shield rush. My shield DB adds to my damage, subtracts from theirs. If they have a shield, its only effect is to add DB to their active defense.
  • Somebody else slams me with their body. That's a basic slam. If I have a shield, its DB adds to my active defense roll but that's it – there's no effect on damage.
  • Somebody else slams me with their shield. That's a shield rush. Their shield DB adds to their damage, subtracts from mine. If I have a shield, its DB adds to my active defense roll but that's it – there's no effect on damage.
In other words, defenders against slams and rushes see the benefits of DB on their all-or-nothing active defense roll. If that fails, the DB isn't relevant because the shield isn't in place. If that succeeds, there's no need to treat DB as DR because the whole attack was avoided.
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
GURPS Line Editor, Steve Jackson Games
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