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Old 08-03-2020, 05:17 AM   #1
Edeldhur's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
Default How do I create a healer?

Hi everyone, it has been a very long time since I posted anything.

I am playing a 'kinda' Fantasy GURPS game with 250 points, and wanted to complement my character with some budding healing capabilities (he is currently an Archer).

Now, we are using some Sorcery rules I do not master, and some Alternative Abilities rules I do not master also (I do not have a lot of GURPS system mastery, in case you are wondering :D).

So I wanted to know how I could start building the foundations of a character who can heal himself and others - for now I would like to have some basic, but functional healing power(s), but I honestly do not know how.

I was thinking that maybe a good start could be:

Healing (30 points)

Affects Self (+50%)
Reliable (because my IQ is 10... (+50%)
Magic (-10%)
(I believe there is a limitation which reduces the amount of Fatigue I can spend for each use? Cannot remember the name...)
(Maybe I could only use it once a day per character, or twice...)

Still for now, this means The power is costing a whopping 57 points, which is just too much to handle...

Any ideas/suggestions on how to get this one to work?

Thank you in advance!

P.S. EDIT - We are using 4th edition
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