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Old 07-29-2014, 10:52 AM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2012
Default Re: Rocket Artillery (TL 4)

I think 300 rockets aimed at someone 2 yards away is exceptional circumstances. At that distance, you are either in front of the rocket battery (and get hit) or not (and do not). Although I suspect unguided rockets are typically pointed at an upwards angle, to avoid shooting explosives into the ground directly in front of you.

I would just rule an automatic hit unless the victim dodge-and-drops or otherwise accounts for the fact that incoming fire has right of way.

In short, I think the rules are built with the assumption that you are not shooting 300 explosive projectiles at a target 2 yards away. Checking out Low-Tech, apparently a typical rocket explodes after 3 seconds, usually traveling hundreds of yards in that time. On that, it is my guess that a successful 'hit' from a rocket in GURPS terms means the target is struck by the explosion. If the rocket physically strikes the person and then continues past them, it is probably not counted in GURPS terms as a hit.

Those are all guesses, on the basis that the rules assume you are using the weapon in the manner it was intended.
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