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Old 03-05-2021, 08:16 AM   #12
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Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Default Re: [DF] The Underdog Campaign?

Fair warning, these type of campaigns can be a bit prone to derail depending on the players.

If the players don't expect to face a "fair challenge" you might find them trying to do everything except for the dangerous stuff. Instead of "Oh, damn there is someone else here, we need to be careful" you can get "Oh, damn there is someone else here, we should bolt out of here!".

Obviously on the flip side, the type of player that will charge the king's guards because 'yolo' would have a 0-day life expectancy in this type of campaign, but then again, those types of player characters rarely live long unless the GM fudges things in the player character's favor.

Anyway, you need to make sure you have players able to handle balancing risk-vs-reward, so they don't either run away all the time, or the party keep getting themselves killed.
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