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Old 08-11-2018, 02:02 AM   #21
Join Date: May 2018
Default Re: Tied AdjDX and Initiative

Originally Posted by red2 View Post
I am clearly in the minority here but I would like to suggest making things MORE complicated. I like the idea of having some randomness in the order in which players act in the action phase, but of course those with higher adj dx should have an advantage. Maybe this:

Players act in order of adjusted adjusted dexterity, where your adjusted adjusted dexterity is the sum of your adjusted dexterity plus the result of a single die roll. So each player would roll a die at the end of each movement phase to determine their adjusted adjusted dexterity for that turn. To hit rolls would still be based on adjusted dexterity (not adjusted adjusted dexterity which is only used to determine order of actions).

Example: A, B, C, and D are in combat and are able to act during the action phase. Their adjusted dexterities are 16, 12, 12, and 9. Each rolls a die and the results are 1, 6, 2, and 5, making their adjusted adjusted dexteritiez 17, 18, 14, and 14. So B acts first, followed by A. C and D are tied, so their order of action is determined by another die roll (odd for C, even for D, or something similar).
It's a neat idea and it doesn't look like it would actually slow things down too much if everyone rolls at the start of the turn when you roll for initiative. Especially if you do turn-order with a card for each character like I do (after rolling, each player writes their adj adj DX at the top and hands it to the GM), of course the GM does have to roll for each NPC...
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