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Old 10-21-2020, 11:51 AM   #6
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: Non-Mage Threshold / Tally Recovery / Calamity Proneness /

Originally Posted by Gumby Bush View Post
Yup, I was thinking of Emergency Use of Threshold Casting.

You might treat a reduced threshold and similar as quirks, for non-mages only.

Actually, I'm not sure why Increased Threshold is an Advantage while Reduced Threshold is a Limitation (ceteris paribus for the other two)--probably because the limitations don't matter much for non-mages. The limitations are worth -1 to -3pts/level, so a quirk for some combination would be fair enough so long as the GM ensures it matters. A quirk for just one would be the same discount that a Magery 1 mage would receive, though, which might not be fair.
Forcing mages to pay a little more (just assume all limitations maxed out by default) seems like the easiest way to avoid the issue of non-mages taking disadvantages to save points, or somehow being better than mages who take the limitations.

I guess mages being worse could be believable if "I have a lower threshold" or "accruing tally is more dangerous for me" are natural aspects of working magic.

Limitations can be shut off by making magery switchable too, so I shouldn't fret so much about it. Especially since you can reduce +10% switchable costs to net +5% by taking "while conscious" (-5%) switchable (not much use for magery while you're asleep, can't see/touch items) or temporary disadvantages that won't bother you much when you're casting spells (like maybe -1 to DX, if you're a non-combat mage).
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