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Old 11-12-2018, 05:40 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Enchantment costs

Ok, I got back to the rules and found the lab rental and maintenance fees. The rental fee is conventional but not an actual cost, could vary widely, and doesn't exist if you own the lab. The $50/week maintenance cost however is an actual cost.

So lab rental & maintenance does bring Weapon/Armor Enchantment cost-to-produce to approximately the same as the list cost ($930 vs. $1000) IF you make both your weekly DX rolls.

Running some calculations, IF you make all your rolls, there can be good profit for the enchanting wizard. It varies depending on what the enchantment is. (And it varies by how much you have to pay in lab rental.) That is, if you assume that the wizard is the principal seller and collects all of the profit above costs, minus his 1% dues. I see earnings of $335/week for that +1 weapon/armor enchantment, up to $1041/week for a 1-point wizard's wrath rod, with other enchantments I tried earning more like $500-$700 per week. Minus the lab rental... That actually seems pretty decent...

But of course it's not taking into account failed DX rolls. That adjustment is slightly complicated to do exactly right because of the risk of rolling 18 and ruining the enchantment, but if we just double the number of weeks we think each enchantment will take, then I get negative profit margins, and a wizard stands to do better with his "job rate" if he can really get that, even if he owns his own lab. If he doesn't own his own lab, he stands to actually lose $65/week trying to do the weapon/armor enchantment +1.

Of course, if you also double the actual price you charge, you get back to my original numbers.

How are you calculating a rate for Charm rental?
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