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Old 06-03-2021, 09:55 PM   #56
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Default Re: [DF] A Portal Fantasy within a Dungeon Fantasy: Where's Alice?

I added up her points (... because I felt like double-checking) and she was actually 5 over 250! Oops! Well, I lowered Gesture and Scrounging to just IQ/Per level and dropped Hiking to HT-1 level to shave off some unneeded points. Those two skills are just fine at 13, and I figure she's OK with 12 in Hiking. May shuffle around points to fit in other skills perhaps. I was thinking about that Traps (Detect Traps) optional specialty and odds are I'd have encouraged at least one PC to have it, so Alice probably could do without it.

Speaking of hiking, I was considering she might have picked up the Shoes of Fharlanghn... he's not a deity in my setting, but the shoes ought to appear here since it's in the list of magic items for the modules. Alice wasn't exactly packing a proper equipment loadout before she slipped and fell down a hole into Dungeonland, so I imagine she might have serendipitously found (I notice a pattern here...) a pair of these shoes, coincidently fitted for her feet more or less, shortly after having arrived. In short they never wear-out and allow the wearer of the shoes to never tire from walking. There's additional abilities, such as Neutral/Neutral Good Alignment dependent ones (Alignment has no real equivalent in GURPS... perhaps prerequisite Disadvantages suited to Neutral/Neutral Good Alignment?) and more powers if the wearer worships Fharlanghn (... who is not in my setting). I'm inclined to say they simply only have the default abilities and no more than that.

Of course, the PCs will very likely be similarly equipped with magic items with various abilities, so Alice's fortuitous luck with finding items isn't unfair.

Last edited by Tymathee; 06-03-2021 at 10:11 PM.
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