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Old 04-13-2019, 02:23 PM   #3
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Default Re: [MH] Brazilian Secret Monster Hunters

Originally Posted by Icelander View Post
one of the the the Vile Vortices
You stuttered here a bit.

Anyway, here's a few ideas:
I think Pedro II is a particularly interesting individual in Brazilian history and considering his fame for being intelligent and well traveled, perhaps he could have been influenced by foreign monster hunting organizations to create one such group in his country. He also lived in Rio de Janeiro, so maybe he encountered one such supernatural threat and his travels might have been him seeking knowledge on how to fight it. Pedro II also brought many artifacts from his travels and some of these might have been actually magical.
Rio de Janeiro houses one the nation's top universities and while in real life it's not as impressive as, say, MIT, in this parallel world Pedro II might have had stronger involvements with to create his monster hunting organizations. Perhaps it has a department dedicated to study magical artifacts and integrate it with modern technologies to create effective weapons against supernatural threats (you could use stuff from Technomancer, like depleted necronium).

Other than that, South America in general has strong criminal organizations. If one such organization in Brazil has to deal with supernatural threats, it's to me only logical they'd have their own hunt squads. Unlike Pedro's high tech monster hunters, these organizations would rely more on their abundant manpower and money, threatening the population to report any weird activity to them, flooding suspicious areas with poorly trained grunts to see where they're dying to find the monsters and sending trucks full of veterans to kill anything that moves in such area.

Brazil also hosts the largest Japanese community outside of Japan, maybe that's a good excuse to have a sort of modern day samurai demon hunter (like Minamoto no Yorimitsu and Abe no Seimei).

Last edited by Sorenant; 04-13-2019 at 02:29 PM.
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