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Old 02-29-2020, 01:27 AM   #2
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Whip of draining

The person being drained must cooperate or be subjugated (tied up,
unconscious, etc.).
I don't think so, since they are just one 3/DX roll away from being free. That does not meet the standard of "tied up", to me.

The wizard, the victim, and the figure (if other than the wizard) receiving ST must all be adjacent to one another.
On the other hand, if they're not able to make that 3/DX roll for some number of turns (e.g. because their adjDX is bad for whatever reason), and you are able to stand next to them, perhaps that is enough.

On the other hand, lasso/whip attacks are generally ridiculously overpowered due to the overly simple way they're written and/or weren't playtested enough to show how powerful they are. Maybe if the consensus is this DOES work, the day when they get some limits to their powers will come sooner.
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