Thread: Cast out of HTH
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Old 05-04-2021, 10:25 AM   #45
Join Date: May 2018
Default Re: Cast out of HTH

Originally Posted by RobW View Post
These exceptional just-like-real illusions (fire, shadow, etc) and this bit of text: "But after the fight is over and the attacking illusion is gone, all the apparent injury to your gear will vanish – and there you’ll lie, hacked to bits inside your undamaged armor" -- were lifted straight out of Advanced Wizard, and have bugged me for 40 years now

cuz my mind can't hack me to bits

aaannd, if the illusion depends on the power of my mind as an observer can it actually kill me? Wouldn't it cease to affect me once I am unconscious?

checkmate SJ
From this description and the behavior of the creation spell illusions:

Originally Posted by ITL p138
If anyone can truly disbelieve an illusion, the knot of forces making it up will unravel and the illusion will vanish.
it seems that illusions are more than just figments of imagination, they are "quasi-real". Here are some things about illusions that are entirely objective, i.e. they are not subject any observers, they are are the same to all observers:
  • location
  • orientation
  • type
  • size
  • appearance
  • nature
  • capabilities

The caster can see through its "eyes" (which has been clarified to mean sense through its "senses") -- in some sense an illusion can "perceive" and the "perceptory view port" moves with the location and orientation of the illusion.

No matter how far away a person was when the illusion was cast, if they come near to its location, they will perceive it and potentially take damage from it, even if they teleported in from far away.

These things indicate that illusions are not just some kind of psychic suggestion that only exists in the minds of the victims; they have an objective existence apart from the observers.
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