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Old 07-18-2018, 12:42 AM   #24
Join Date: May 2018
Default Re: Gates, Gate keys, and Gate locks

Originally Posted by Skarg View Post
Another interesting situation, it seems to me, if someone did develop a really comprehensive and robust gate network that linked most major places over a large area, would be that it might become a target for some sort of master takeover scheme. Of course it would need to involve the Wizards Guild, or it might just be about the Wizards Guild running such a network spanning the known world, but it seems to me that if one faction has control of the gate network (which by definition is effectively sort of all in one place that touches all the major cities of the world), then that group would tend to have massive power.
There would certainly be a lot of scheming and a lot of extremely paranoid people running the Travel Guild. And they'd be very vulnerable to betrayal. My friend Guy sent my this article about castle networks as food for thought.

It might be more practical to take an organization like that over from within, since it already has the infrastructure and experienced people. Possession would help. It would be messy but such a powerful empire. Puts the East India Company completely to shame...
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