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Old 07-30-2021, 01:24 PM   #15
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: Corrosive damage on a striker attack

Originally Posted by whswhs View Post
An innate attack sent from the mouth is sort of like a bite, and would be more so if you made it a melee attack with reach C.
B112 says "functions as a melee weapon. It has no range, but allows you to parry" and I assumed the standard assumption of melee weapons is that they're something held in a Fine Manipulator (hand)

Originally Posted by whswhs View Post
However, if the Innate Attack is delivered by a carrier, you don't need to make a skill roll for the Innate Attack itself, and so I don't think it's subject to the skill categories.
Yeah I'm just talking about skill rolls for where the Carrier is delivered via Melee.

That bestows a similar -30% discount for a Followup if the carrier is Melee -30% for it's -0% if it's a striker...

So to figure out why it should be cheaper to be deliverable by an indestructible weapon (Innate Attack Melee) and not a destructible limb (striker) I could only think of perhaps four hypothetical benefits (none of which I can actually confirm with examples so they might be seen as house rules) that strikers have over IA(M) that would affect delivery options for the Followup

1) doesn't require use of an existing limb (ie a limited amount of parries with a cumulative -4)
2) doesn't require an empty Fine Manipulator to wield
3) not subject to Fine Manipulator related penalties like Weak Grip
4) Melee Weapons can be disarmed, Strikers cannot (only severed)
If we apply that stuff to IA (melee) then it'd help to explain why you'd buy Striker over IA (melee) at low ST levels, or why you'd prefer a Striker over IA (melee) as a carrier for a Followup.

Of course if it's possible to disarm/drop IA(melee) the weapon probably vanishes and can be resummoned in a "readied" state as a free action so if we did that it wouldn't be that big a difference. If you wanted to resummon a dropped IA(melee) prior to your next turn you could probably just call that a Power Dodge (can only do it once per turn) and you'd only need to roll if you were holding off resummon in response to something else.
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