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Old 04-07-2011, 03:59 PM   #396
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: Ordinary People: Characters [0] to [-50]

Candace Abendroth, Tech Support Witch
-50 points

Image: Candace is a plump, blond woman in her late 30s. Her entire wardrobe seems to consist of peasant blouses, linen slacks, and sundresses. She wears lots of amber jewelry and a humongous hematite pendant engraved with a pentagram the size of silver dollar.

Culture: TL 8 [0]; Familiarity: Western [0]; Languages: English (Native / Native) [0];

Attributes: ST 8 [-20]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 10 [0];

Secondary: Speed: 5.0 [0]; Move: 4 [-5]; HP: 8 [0]; FP: 9 [-3]; Perception: 10 [0]; Willpower: 10 [0];

Advantages: Resistant to Food-Borne Illness (+3) [3]; Smooth Operator 1 [15]; Temperature Tolerance 2 (Accessibility, only while nude, -50%) [1].
Perks: Dabbler (Dotcommer: +3 to Electronics Repair (Computer) and Web Page Design)) [1]; Good with Cats [1].
Disadvantages: Chummy [-5]; Odious Personal Habit (discussing polyamory, nudism, and paganism with absolutely everyone, all the time) [-10]; Pacifism (Total) [-30]; Stubbornness [-5].
Quirks: Attentive; Delusion (Various misunderstandings of pagan history gleaned from popular writings); Does not concern herself with food safety; Proud; Bad Reputation (as a pagan, -1 from non-liberal Christians). [-5]

Skills: Computer Operation/TL8 IQ [2]-11; Connoisseur (Handmade Crafts) IQ-1 [1]-9; Drive (Car) DX [1]-10; Fast-Talk IQ-1 [1]-11*; Hobby (Popular Fiction) IQ [1]-10; Law (US Labor Laws) IQ-1 [1]-9; Meditation Will-1 [1]-9; Pharmacy (Herbal)/TL8 IQ-1 [1]-9; Ritual Magic (Witchcraft) IQ-2 [1]-8; Religious Ritual (Wicca) IQ-1 [1]-9; Savoir-Faire IQ [1]-11*; Theology (Wicca) IQ-1 [1]-9;

Background: Candace seems like she should be working at a craft store or something, but somewhere along the way, she was seduced by the world of Usenet, chatrooms, and homepages. Now she does tech support over the phone. She is seemingly blessed with endless patience, letting customers work at their own pace. However, if anyone gets cross with her, she gets into a huff and becomes much less cooperative. During those long lulls in conversation while computers are rebooting, she knows just what to do: make friendly conversation about open relationships, witchcraft, and nudism. Sometimes her explanations for things like taking breaks or having days off make so little sense, people just agree to anything she says so that they don't have to try to think about it. In contrast to her fairly medicore tech support skills, she has a somewhat encyclopedic knowledge of US Supreme Court rulings on religious freedom and employer accomodations of religious practices, enough to keep her employed months at a time. She likes to buy humongous sandwiches and "save the rest for later," "later" sometimes meaning "after a weekend of sitting in her desk drawer." In general, most of her co-workers want her dead; the rest consider her one of life's true wonders, an endless font of strange and narcissistic behavior in a cheerful, unassuming package, brightening up their otherwise drudging lives in tech support. Somewhat disappointingly, her passion for Wicca and magic has not imparted to her any knowledge whatsoever of world religions, even other New Age belief systems, nor any occult topics other than her own favorite spells. She does, however, have more than a passing knowledge of Pern and Harry Potter.

In a supernatural game, she may know a slightly useful amount of actual magic, the kind that helps you find lost keys and such. In a game in which this is definitely not true, and is likely to have social or life consequences, she can be considered to have a Delusion (I cast spells). By her own admission, she is no Oracle, and has no facility with tarot readings or astrology, although she finds both interesting.
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