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Old 04-04-2019, 03:28 AM   #6
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Default Re: How Much Do You Like Scissors & Tape?

Originally Posted by FireHorse View Post

JLV: All of them? Yikes!

Honestly though, I would like to do just that — inspired partly by David Pulver's "Ships and Boats in TFT" (in Hexagram #1), and partly by my own long-time personal love of adventure stories about sailing (the absolute pinnacle of which is Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin series).

I need at least two for my scenario anyway — because it would offend my sensibilities to use the same ship for both sides — and I stubbornly chose a Carrack for one of them, precisely because it is the most complex (it has the most decks), and therefore the most challenging.

And once that's out of the way… well, frankly, all of the other types are ridiculously easy, by comparison. :)

Of course, the types covered in the Hexagram article are only a tiny sample of all the types that could be done — even if we limit the choices to the 14th-15th century and earlier — and the categorical definitions it gives are rather over-simplified.

To cite just one example, it neglects to mention that pretty much all of those "Types" — which are properly defined by styles of construction and rigging and so on — can be built in a very wide range of Sizes.

Which is why the Carrack I'm doing is only ~90 feet in length (and technically only 60 at the waterline), not 120, but it's still a small Carrack, not a large Cog.

But enough of my blather… I have a Gladiator Pit to finish.

Oh, and a postcard…
Actually, by "all of them" I was thinking in terms of the Hexagram #1 article too. I'm sure some others would be way cool too (Roman Trireme? Spanish Galleon? Multi-deck maps would be Kick***!), but since we have effective "rules" for a list of ten or fewer, that should really be plenty! (The little ones -- rafts, rowboats, etc, don't REALLY need to be made -- there probably aren't going to be any fights on any of them that don't go immediately to HTH, and about the only ones where I would expect to see sword fights and the like would be on a barge or something, and really, that's not that far off from a regular Melee map, slightly truncated on two sides, so no need for a "special" map there...)
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